Enabling responsible finance capacity in OIC markets


What banks are (and are not) disclosing in their transition plans

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We work with…

Helping financial institutions to align with your ESG and climate goals, including embedding insights generated by our OIC financed emissions database into climate-related strategy and implementation.

Empowering startups and SMEs through practical, action-focused training to help them understand and address the environmental and social effects of their companies.

We connect policymakers and market participants to identify how policies can be put into action by financial sector stakeholders and how to influence better policies and outcomes.


A responsible financial ecosystem that
drives sustainability, inclusion &
equity for all stakeholders.


Enabling financial players to deliver sustainable values through research,
training & implementation programs

Why we do what we do

Financial institutions in Islamic markets do not have the execution capabilities to fully achieve their environment, social, governance, climate and nature-related commitments

  • “6 out of 10 countries most affected by climate change at OIC member states”

    — Notre Dame Vulnerability Index

  • “Over 65% of global oil & gas reserves are in OIC nations, transition pose economic challenges”

    — BP Statistical Review

  • "80% of OIC countries are not prepared to deal with the consequences of climate change"

    — OIC

  • “4% of GDP annually in the investment of needed to ensure climate resilience and meet emissions reduction targets”

    — IMF

Ready to support the purpose that we are working towards? There are many ways for you to get involved, by tapping into our expertise or supporting us with your own.

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The RFI Foundation is among the non-governmental organizations (NGO) that have been admitted by the Conference of the Parties as observers to the UNFCCC